A wall clock "Chevrons Stream - Gold and Red
This elegant beautiful wall clock will not only decorate any room but also show the exact time. The clock is asymmetrical. Two rows of vertical red-yellow chevrons reside in the upper-left and bottom-right parts. They are surrounded with transparent amber stripes which look like golden. They create an illusion of flying chevrons. The top part of the clock is composed of a swirled red-beige glass also surrounded by transparent amber rectangle. The remaining body is solid beige with "golden" coating visible in a reflective light. This color matches beige swirls and green chevrons. Straight black hands are clearly visible. There are no numbers, but it's not a problem for time reading.
The S-shape of the clock makes them looking originally. It's easy to hang them - you need only one screw (included).
This clock is battery powered and very precise. Almost no maintenance required: simply change time in Spring and Fall to follow DST. Battery usually lasts 1.5-2 years depending on brand. You may choose either standard or silent clock movement. Silent means no ticking.
Dimensions: 7 x 14 inches.