Wall clock "Antares"
This clock is one of a kind and color combinations are unique. It was made using a so-called "raking" technique of glass fusing. The preliminary prepared glass plate with many colorful glass stringers on the top was placed inside the kiln and heated to 1700F. Then using a stainless steel hook I pulled molten glass on the surface several times and in opposite directions. That created the uniqueness.
After cooling the edges of the disk were ground. Also I cut digits from a sheet glass and arranged them on the surface. Next firing attached digits and white dots to the surface.
Finally, I made a hole in the center and attached a clock movement with a hanger.
Diameter: 16 inches. A strong hanger at the back side allows hanging easily and securely.
This clock is battery powered and is very precise. Almost no maintenance required: simply change time in Spring and Fall to follow DST. Battery usually lasts 1.5-2 years depending on brand. You may choose either a standard movement or a hassle-free movement, which adjusts DST automatically.